What: Friday Night Bible Study When: This Friday, 09/10/2021; 6-9pm Where: Kipapa Park (Behind Kipapa Elementary School) Who: Middle School, High School and College (but of course everyone is invited to come and enjoy) Why: This COVID has paused our discipleship for youth for a long time - praise God for our young adults who are willing to restart this discipleship time. Aloha Parents! We are so glad to announce to you this Friday discipleship for our youth in middle school, high school and college. I want to thank Micah and Edelyn who will spearhead this friday's event. Among others, there will be volleyball, games, bible study, testimonies, praise and worship. Parents, we need your help to bring your children, and foods you can share. Let's get the friday night going! You may contact Micah (808) 358-1844 or Edelyn at (808) 383-8147. Aloha! Pastor Bong Abagon ...